Game theory propose.

My game proposal is between the commercial cinema and the genuine one. So, there are two film productions companies who have to decide if they want to make more money or if they don’t want to renounce its principles. It is a difficult decision to make for a production company, but it can make them…

Digital Humanities

Digital humanities are an area of the knowledge, based on the culture and the common humanities, that we develop through the new technological and digital media tools to improve them. There are very used in scholar projects, because is an easier and close way, for the students, to learn the contents of the humanities subjects….

Or we influence the cinema?

However,  this influence can be bad too. For example, in 60’s and 70’s the majority of people in movies appeared smoking and it was such a normal thing. One of the most famous actor that smokes in scene was James Dean. Now, nobody smokes on films or tv shows, and the same have passed in…

Are we influenced by the cinema?

I think that in our times, where we receive a lot of contents and inputs, indisputably, cinema is one of them. So, I want to know a little bit more how this visual art can change our way to look or do the things.   Nowadays, so many people watch tv shows and films on…